Should be Practically, Good Health For All Citizens Of Bharat / India, Topmost Priority In Bharat / India And That Be Strictly Adhered To In Toto 24×7×365 Without Fail, Slackness, Flimsiness, Casualty Of Any Kind Whatsoever Under Any Circumstances Of Any Kind. All Round Good Health Of All First And Foremost In India; Once That Achieved In Toto, Many Lingering Problems Will Automatically Will Be Ephemeral Here, Simply Because + Straightaway Reasoned For "Correct / Good Health All Round Key To Success Of A Country In A Big Way As Its Developments Then Do not See Any Kind Of Health Unlike in cases of an mass epidemic, infection, mass-allergy and like. If adequate pre-emptive measures more-than-adequately taken well in advance then there is no issue of any mass outcry, thus, no panic, hence, no scurrying helter-skelter thus, no tension, no nervousness, no worries, no qualms of any kind of anti-reactions of any kind whatsoever.
Instead, since any disease, epidemic, mass-infection et al anticipated much in advance, its easily pre-empted, people saved, valuable time of the medical fraternity, government, health-related officials, drugs, medicines etc are freed from all kinds of "wastage" comprising time, energy, health, management, concentration, exchequer's valuable monies, tension, nerve-wrecking influences, allegations-counter-allegations of nasty but untruth kind, et al. Straightaway put, all citizens's correct health 24×7×365 tantamount to immense time with the concerned incharges to use that into innovating, imbibing new postulations, practical stipulations relating to "health for all, all the time" and all possible ways to make it 100% surely without any ado of any kind whatsoever.
This is surely achievable, attainable, 100% possible, no sooner than it is officially made sure that health amid the top priorities of every citizen in this country wherever he / she be. And if she / he is unwilling to comply with adhering to "contribute" her/his bit for invoking "health for all" in him her, he or she should be held responsible for neglecting national responsibility. Thus, she / he should be isolated if not hauled. No slackness in this fact of Indian-ness, come what may as Good, Correct Health Is 100% Key To Sound Contribution to India As All Round Correct Nation That automatically progresses in all perspectives via its all "correct health thus correct all round eendreeyaful Indians / Bharatiya". Thus, their constant contribution to all round growth of Bharat unlike now when so many people in this country report sick, steer clear of responsibilities, let the country abysmally suffer "-", causing abysmal losses to the country, its all round growth, this, its image, sullied whereas it should not be...This, Good Health For All, Topmost Priority.