Delhi's D-Day Dogged

Delhi prepares for 70-MLA elections as voter neutrality and high expectations shape the political race
The voters in Delhi

70-MLA Delhi's D-Day Dogged --- Dogged because too many repertoire of controversies have surfaced none of which, yes, have been proved or Evinced clearly barring haphazard allegations reaching where --- on ensuing February 5 when the Delhiites of all hues will vote, support, elect 70 MLAs who will be C/o Delhiites for the next five years till 2030, from thereon to 2035, 2040, 2045, cross 2047, 100th year of the Country's independence with Delhi as its officially assured, stamped, capital.

A great moment, pride then for Delhi, come what may, hang over for which has already begun...There is a sudden euphoria amid the "Dilliwallahs" about "ek baar pheer Dilli ka chunao, ab ki baar mukhya mantri kaun...No guess please, all are equally positioned in a way or the other with none having any upper edge at all on any one and that makes not only Delhiites important because they are behaving "neutral" not at all hinting, leave alone showing or even evincing for that matter, toward all abstaining from indicating who their favourite/s is/are amid all of them thereby clearly showing their importance, relevance, value, integral connection with Delhi, its every concern howsoever small it be but none of them negligible at all.

Every bit in, of and about Delhi is as much relevant / concern for Delhi as they themselves in Delhi, its all matters howsoever minute, small, so-called irrelevant be, so to say run-of-mill. This clear vibe of the Delhiites has been taken on by the political parties of all types whoever are contesting the polls or are connected with that.

They have got this clear that no more fib, hoax, false assurances, lies, "promising sky", "crapping unduly" et al will fetch votes.

The voters in Delhi just no more are prepared to take "crap, b--- s--- in their stride.

Enough's excessively more than enough for them".

Let the parties assure which ever way they can about fulfilling their pre-poll promises or else, NOTA / abstain.

Delhi's D-Day Dogged thus. Ciao. 

—Soumitra Bose

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