Editorial & Analyses

    Opposition Phut

    Soumitra Bose
    March17/ 2024
    Last Updated:

    India Alliance

    Opposition Phut: Kaput Opposition...Back to divided, split, squabbling, haywire, hackneyed, quarelling, fighting, rickety, ramshackled, tottering...And we stand stolid. United, we [Opposition] are split, divided, warring with each other making mere, riff-raff laughing stock of ourselves likening ourselves to "fluid, untrustworthy, unreliable, non-serious entities abysmally failing to rise up to the basic fundamental standards of the people's expectations from us, leave alone our 'disability' to provide a 100% fully stable government that actually is in any way really worthy, capable of govern the country in any way worth the salt; rather, we are at our best when we fight no-holds-barred amid ourselves nose-diving our very basic credibility to rock bottom with no concern for the people in any way thereby blatantly evincing, we are individually, or, in group/s, only self-concerned, self-serving, self-bothered, self-concerned and nothing else...Thus, "NM" Viva, Opposition Phut.

    —Soumitra Bose