Tag : connection

    Say Goodbye to Travel Anxiety

    Sunil Aswal
    May15/ 2022

    New Delhi:  We all enjoy travelling, and now that the world has opened up as a result of the pandemic, everyone has a reason to travel even more, almost with a vengeance! However, travel can be very stressful on both the body and the mind. Travelling disrupts our routine, time zone differences can disrupt sleep patterns, and simply being in a new location can push us out of our comfort zone. Anxiety begins to creep in at this point, causing imbalances and disturbances in our physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Jenil Dholakia, Holistic Yoga and Well-being Coach shares five ways in which yoga can help you manage travel anxiety: Take deep breaths: Allow the breath to be your best friend before and during your journey. Simply remember to take deep belly breaths whenever you feel overwhelmed by any situation. Deeply inhale through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth. After 5-10 breaths, you will be in a much better position to deal with the situation. Yoga on the go: Long flights and car/bus rides can cause stiffness and soreness. Stretches and poses for stress relief include neck rolls to the left and right, shoulder rotations clockwise and anticlockwise, spinal stretches - lateral and twisting, seated marjariasana/cat pose, Uttanasana/standing forward fold, and Adho mukha svanasana/downward facing dog pose. It is critical to restore joint mobility after prolonged sitting. Mindful mornings: Set aside at least ten minutes each morning to sit in silence. Simply close your eyes and bring your attention to the present moment. Beginning the day in this manner will assist you in calming your thoughts, controlling your anxiety, and preparing you to go through the day in a balanced state of mind. You can conclude the meditation by ...

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