States & UTs

    When J&K parties want statehood 1st govt wants elections: Chidambaram

    April20/ 2022
    Last Updated:

    New Delhi: Former Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Friday slammed the Modi-led government for insisting on elections in Jammu and Kashmir before granting statehood.

    Chidambaram said in a tweet, "Congress and other J&K parties and leaders want Statehood first and Elections afterward, Government's response is Elections first and Statehood later.

    "The horse pulls the cart. A state must conduct elections. Only such elections under a State Election Commission will be free and fair. Why does the government want the cart in front and the horse behind? It is bizarre," he added.

    The all-party meeting at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's residence at 7, Lok Kalyan Marg lasted for three and a half hours. It was attended by 14 leaders, including veteran politician and National Conference president Farooq Abdullah.

    Most leaders stressed on the restoration of the political process in the Valley.


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