States & UTs

    Punjab clamps down with stricter curbs as Covid cases rise

    April20/ 2022
    Last Updated:

    Chandigarh: As Covid cases continue to rise rapidly across the country, including in Punjab, Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh on Monday ordered stricter restrictions beginning tomorrow, including extension of night curfew timings (2000 hrs to 0500 hrs), closure of all bars, cinema halls, Gyms, spas, coaching centres, sports complexes, with restaurants and hotels to be open only for takeaway and home delivery from Monday to Saturday.

    Rates for RT-PCR and Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) by private labs have been reduced to Rs 450 and Rs 300 respectively (with additional charges for home collection of the samples), in a bid to promote increased testing.

    Gatherings of more than 20 persons, including for weddings/cremations, have also been banned across the state, with prior approval of the district administration needed for all gatherings of more than 10 persons, except for cremation.

    The new restrictions, which also include closure of all malls, shops and markets on Sunday, coupled with the ones imposed earlier, will remain in effect till April 30, announced the Chief Minister, directing the Police department to strictly enforce the restrictions, taking support of civil society organisations where needed. All weekly markets have also ordered to be shut down.

    Chairing a high level virtual meeting to review the Covid situation in the state, Capt Amarinder also ordered that all people flying into Punjab should have a negative RT-PCR not more than 72 hours old, else they would have to undergo RAT testing at the airport. He also ordered that people who have attended large gatherings anywhere (religious/ political/social) to be mandatorily home quarantined for five days and tested as per protocol.

    He directed the transport department that number of people in buses/taxis and autos be restricted to 50 per cent of the capacity.


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