States & UTs

    "Doors Always Open in Politics" Affirms Sushil Modi Amid Speculation of Nitish's Return to NDA

    The Hawk
    January26/ 2024
    Last Updated:

    BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi addresses the possibility of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar rejoining the NDA alliance. As the I.N.D.I.A bloc faces internal challenges, discussions intensify, leaving political doors ajar.

    Nitish Kumar and Sushil Kumar Modi

    Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumars recent reconnection with the NDA has sparked speculation about the possibility of a reunion. BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi stated on Friday that political doors are never permanently shut. While relations between Nitish Kumar and the I.N.D.I.A bloc partners may seem strained sources within the BJP and JD(U) have hinted at a reconciliation. However it remains uncertain if Kumar has finalized any agreement with the leadership of the BJP.

    Modi, who served as chief minister during Kumars tenure but was not included in the 2020 BJP JD(U) alliance government emphasized that the decision to reopen doors lies in the hands of the central leadership. "When it comes to Kumar or JD(U) political doors are never completely shut. Closed doors have a tendency to open when circumstances demand it but whether they will open or not is something our central leadership will decide " he stated during a press briefing.

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    Despite declaring their doors permanently closed to Kumar after their split in 2022 recent developments indicate a more conciliatory approach from the BJP as internal conflicts within the I.N.D.I.A bloc persist. Modis involvement in discussions, at the levels of BJP suggests that he may play a crucial role if both parties decide to reunite.
    Although Modi had a relationship with Kumar in their previous alliance he turned into a strong critic after Kumar left the BJP for the second time in 2022. Insider sources revealed that the BJP has been in touch with Bihar allies, such as Chirag Paswan and former chief minister Jitan Ram Manjhi. However it is still unclear whether Kumar will return to the NDA.

    While some members of the BJP view Kumars return as a strategic move to secure victory in the Lok Sabha elections others have reservations due to concerns about his declining popularity and the possibility of the opposition, led by RJD capitalizing on anti incumbency sentiments. Despite divisions within the party sources suggest that preparations may be underway for Kumars comeback to the NDA. This could lead to a political realignment, in Bihar.

    —Input from Agencies