
    Efforts To Mitigate Effects Of Climate Change

    Efforts To Mitigate Effects Of Climate Change
    Inam Ansari
    July22/ 2024

    New Delhi (The Hawk): As per India’s Third National Communication submitted to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), India experiences climate change impacts, ranging from floods and droughts to heat waves and glacier melt. The impacts of climate change is visible across sectors like biodiversity and forests; agriculture; water resources; coastal and marine ecosystems; human health; gender; urban and infrastructure; and economic costs. Climate impacts and risks exacerbate vulnerability and consequently increase economic development challenges. Climate change adaptation and mitigation imposes an additional financial burden on developing countries including India. Scarcity of remaining carbon budget and provision of Means of Implementation in the form of finance, technology transfer and capacity building from developed countries, who are responsible for the cause of current climate change, forms the crucial challenges in mitigating effects of climate change. Developed countries have been lagging on providing climate finance in scale, scope, and speed and fulfilling their obligation. India’s climate adaptation actions are largely financed through domestic resources. The broad categories of adaptation priorities for India have been identified as (i) Priorities related to knowledge systems on climate change risks and adaptation (ii) Priorities related to a reduction of exposure to climate risk; and (iii) Priorities related to building resilience and adaptive capacity. The Government is implementing the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) which provides the overarching framework for climate actions, through national missions in specific areas of solar energy, enhanced energy efficiency, water, agriculture ...

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