
    US ready to wage war on Venezuela: Official

    April20/ 2022
    Last Updated:

    Caracas: Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez has said the US is laying a legal groundwork to wage a war against the South American country. The administration of US President Barack Obama is seeking congressional approval to attack any country that "doesn`t serve its interests", Rodriguez said. At a hearing in the US Senate on Wednesday, the White House asked lawmakers to grant extensive powers to fight the Islamic State (IS) anywhere in the world, which, according to the Rodriguez, "leaves the door open" to a military campaign in Venezuela, Xinhua reported on Thursday. "The US is preparing to declare war on all countries because requesting authorisation to use military force without a geographic restriction means they can invade any country," the minister said. She also called on Venezuelans to prepare for a US embargo against Venezuela`s trade, finance, and economy, similar to the one Washington imposed on Cuba for more than 50 years. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has called on the country to unite to prepare for any US aggression and asked parliament to grant him the right to rule by decree for six months, so his government can quickly react to any threats. On Monday, Obama issued an executive order to impose additional sanctions on Venezuelan officials over human rights abuses and corruption. In a nationwide televised address on Monday night, Maduro said the US president had taken "the most aggressive" step against his country. IANS

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