States & UTs

    PRI member held in Odisha on charge of raping Maharashtra woman

    April20/ 2022
    Last Updated:

    Bhubaneswar: A Panchayat Samiti member in Odisha's Ganjam district was arrested on Sunday on the charge of raping and defrauding a woman in Maharashtra, police said.

    A Maharashtra Police team with the help of Hinjili police arrested A Sudam, who is member of Kanchudu Panchayat Samiti in Hinjili block, following a complaint by the woman at Manipada police station in Maharashtra.

    Sudam had allegedly raped her on the pretext of marriage and also taken lakhs of rupees from her.

    Sudam was later presented in a court in Ganjam, which gave its nod for transit remand to Maharashtra Police.


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