
    People are Moving away from Relationships

    The Hawk
    March13/ 2024
    Last Updated:

    Exploring how modernization has reshaped our understanding and value of relationships, this article delves into the fading bonds of traditional familial structures amidst technological advancements.

    Modern society and family relationships

    In the present era, man has obtained modern facilities by progressing in scientific, social, economic, political, literary, technological and almost every field and has also found means to raise his standard of living, but the name and dazzle of this development and modernization. has reduced the importance of relationships in human beings, in this fast-paced life, we are moving away from our ancient heritage, culture, values, as well asHas started giving a new look to his identity and relationships. Where earlier the list of Punjabi relationships used to be very long and these different relationships had their own important place in real life, now these relationships have shrunk to very few. Even the new generation only knows about a few close relations or relatives. Information about distant relationships is a distant thing They may never have heard about these relationships Mother is the foundation of relationships Now if we talk about the name or naming of relationships, then on earthThe first relationship of a human being is mother. The origin of relationships or let us say that mother is the originator of relationships, then there will be no wrong thing because when a child is born on this earth, even before birth in the mother's womb, his relationship is first with the mother. happens, then it happens with the father, thus a child's relationships come before him in the form of grandfathers and grandmothers. Dadaka means relationship with father and Nanka means relationship with mother. The details of which are as follows: of grandfathersrelationships (connected with father) the father grandparents uncle-aunt Taya-tai Bhua-Fufa Great Grandparents Nakdada - Nakdadadi Grandfather-grandmother Lakkadada-Lakkadadi Maternal relationships (relationship with mother) the mother grandparents maternal uncle Masi-Masad great-grandparents Naknana-naknani Holding hands Laknana-Laknani Relationships with children Thus this list of relationships also goes down, when the relationships of grandfathers and grandmothers are related to their son or daughter, the details of which are as follows:- grandfather the songrandson great grandson grandson great grandson grandson Nanke daughter duality teacher Nakdota gripper woodcutter This is how relationships change The relationship between parents remains the same but their names change as grandparents. In the relationship system or alphabet, where relationships start to grow with the birth of a child from the mother, the marriage of the husband and wife is necessary for the relationship to be formed. After that, when his sons and daughters are born, they become parents with him. Also there are some blood relationsLike siblings, daughter-son, parents etc. all these are blood relations and some relations go further with marriage, which include in-law and paternal family relations. Just as husband's relationship with his wife is called in-law family and wife's relationship with her parents is called Peka family. in-laws family Similarly, for a husband, his wife's family is his in-laws' family, so the relationship between husband and wife is like this. Relationships related to husband ie wife's in-laws: Husband's Parents: mother-in-law The husbandGrandparents: Dadiora-Dades Husband's grandfather's brother-in-law-patiora Patis Husband's Grandparents: Naniora-Nanes Husband's maternal uncles: Mamiora-Mames Husband's Grandfather: Fufiora-fufes Jeth's son-in-law Dewar's Son: immediately Husband's younger brother-in-law: Deor-Darani Husband's elder brother-in-law: Jeth-Jethani Husband's sister and brother-in-law Nanan-Nandoia Peka family Similarly, the paternal family of the wife is the in-law family for the husband and the relationship between the husband and the wife is:- Wife's Parents: mother-in-law Wife's brother-in-law:perennial Wife's Grandparents: Dadiora-Dades Wife's sister and brother-in-law Sister-in-law Rarely used relationship names In the alphabet of relationships, there are also names of some relationships that were commonly used in the past but now are used infrequently. For example, there is an incest relationship which means that when a person marries another person and his wife brings a child with her, then that child will be the incest of that person in the relationship and that person's own child will be a son. . ESimilarly, that person i.e. step-father will be 'patander' in the relationship of the child brought after him. Similarly, if a person has two marriages, then both his wives will be infatuated with each other, and similarly, if a woman is married to two estranged brothers or is married to two estranged brothers, then those two husbands are 'badak' between them. Scientific development divided man Although we have progressed scientifically and reached the moon but socially we are becoming different from society and prefer to be alone.Yes, while earlier a single person thought that it is difficult for him to live alone. Therefore, a family was formed and it was necessary for a person to gather in a group and form a group together with his relatives, in which all his relatives near and far were included and for any sorrows and joys. On occasions this group used to gather as 'Mel' It is called Dadaka Mel (relatives from grandfather's side) and Nanaka Mel (relatives from maternal side) and when marriages were collected in Punjab, it wasThey used to call each other by name. In most of the villages even now, father and mother get together on weddings, but in cities, the father and mother get together only with a few close relatives. Relationship names list of Grandchildren: Son's son and daughter Duality: Daughter's son and daughter Courtship: Mother-in-law and father-in-law of son or daughter Parents of the girl Home and sock Jeth-Janani's Khasam's elder brother Dewar- Janani's Khasam's younger brother Nanan- the sister of Janani's householder Nandoiya- Nanan's housethe one Kalmetta- Son-in-law's brother, mother-in-law and Kalmetta In-laws - where the girl is married to her father-in-law's house Chhada/Chadi- One who is not married Antra/Auntri- Who does not have children Step mother - wife of father's second marriage Step-Father- The husband of mother's second marriage Step Siblings: Children born from second marriage of mother or father Randa/Randi- whose wife/householder dies dahaju- Second marriage Wearing a chadar- remarrying a woman in the same house Vadere/Jathere- Ancestors earlier than the grandfathers of the man Partner- Father's GoMembers of the community Community - All the men of Dadke village, uncles and aunts Parents: Born Grandparents: Father's parents great-great-grandparents: Grandfather's parents Nakdadi-Nakdada: Great-grandfather's parents Grandparents: Mother's mother's father great-great-grandparents: Grandmother's parents Bhua-Phuphad: Father's sister and Bhua's household Maternal Uncle: Mother's brother and his wife Khasam/Ningar: A girl to be married In-laws: Parents of bride/groom Masi-Masad: Mother's sister and aunt's husband Chacha-chachi: Father's younger brother and unclewife of Taya-Tai: Father's elder brother and aunt's wife Dadiahura: Father-in-law/grandfather-in-law Father-in-law's mother-in-law/grandmother-in-law/mother-in-law's mother-in-law Husband: Father-in-law's brother/uncle father-in-law Patis- uncle-in-law's wife/aunt mother-in-law Mamas- Maternal aunt/maternal mother-in-law Nance: Grand mother-in-law of the householder Son-in-law's wife Son-in-law's daughter's husband Bhanwan-Bhanwani: Sister's son-daughter Nephews: Brother's son-daughter When used with a relative, it becomes longer.| How much human is connected with these relationshipsHow much love or reality it is, only the person who runs his fingers on the mobile phone can tell.

    —Vijay Garg Retired Principal Educational Columnist Malout Punjab