
    Parents protest slow probe into Peshawar school attack

    April20/ 2022
    Last Updated:

    Islamabad: Agitated over a sluggish investigation process, hundreds of parents and students protested outside the Peshawar school where terrorists killed over 140 students and teachers last December, a media report said Sunday. The protesters at the Army Public School Saturday wanted authorities to look into the slow investigation of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Taliban(TTP) attack on the school and press for transparency in dealings with the victims' families, Pakistan Today reported. They said since the Dec 16 attack there have been no breakthroughs and they have received little information on the inquiry's progress. Peshawar's administrator Riaz Mehsud met the protesters to assure them that the government would do all it could to help. "I stand by you and the provincial government would support you and redress all your grievances," the official told parents. In the wake of the attack, the country's Nawaz Sharif government lifted a six-year moratorium on executions of people convicted of terrorism. A total of 22 militants have been hanged since then.

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