States & UTs

    Cookie For Badals Crumble

    April20/ 2022
    Last Updated:

    Amusingly+Funnily, is that the way How Cookie Crumbles? Yep. Exactly like is case/s of internationally famed supercilious Shiromani Akali Dal,, its President + Lok Sabha MP Sukhbir Singh Badal, his illustrious, talented (virtuoso in her ministerial duties) Lok Sabha MP-wife + resigned as Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal who veritably now are at their wit's end wondering what lies ahead of them, their Akali Dal or SAD(Badal), in the coming 2022 Punjab Assembly Elections wherein they already are seeing a neat drubbing at the hustings as the masses of the state according to them have already dissociated with them categorically unless they succeed in making Narendra Modi and Company make a volte face on the already passed in Parliament Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion & Facilitation) Bill 2020, The Farmers (Empowerment and Agreement) on Price assurance & Farm Services Bill 2020 and the 3rd, Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2020. It is now fully clear that the Modi Government is 100% pro these 3 bills which now are Act/s and bind on all states, UTs etc, Punjab and Haryana states included.

    From his side, Modi categorically mentioned that The 3 Bills are reforms, protective shield around farmers which would bring "more options and opportunities" for them and benefit them in every conceivable way. Commenting on prices and the country's procurement system, Modi said (in an address to the nation) that under that, Government buys farm produce at federally-fixed minimum support prices (MSP) from farmers. There is a disinformation that the Government would withdraw benefits of support prices. The country's support system will continue to run as usual, said he. Government is committed to give appropriate prices to the farmers wherever he hails from without any sort of partisan approach towards any one, declared he, thereby repudiating any apprehension of especially Punjab and Haryana farmers. The latter however are consistently recalcitrant thereby sort of openly defying the Government and readying themselves for an open on-street face-to-face face-off, say many in the Government who do not wish to be named now for obvious reasons of unsavoury controversies.

    After this becoming Act, these bills --- in fact, long before this present approval of them by Parliament --- last time itself had become operational when an ordinance was issued on it and uit became operational. Intriguingly, Akali Dal did not care for that and continued to support Modi and his Government as if all's well and perfect and the farmers need not worry at all. Akali Dal followers now say that the party has always been like this in the sense never bothering initially as if all's OK but at the 11th hour, raising hue and cry as if all's lost for them like now, now that it realises 2022 is out of their bound what with the farmers of Punjab will not at all vote for them. (In Haryana, farmers are agitating but they are without any leader now unlike in Punjab wherein, tacitly many leaders are supporting them and encouraging them to go all out against Badal & Co).

    Now Badal & Co. are realising the Damocle's Sword on them as their main Vote Bank, farmers and their employees, in the state has slipped out of their hands. Farmers clearly are seeing the Act/s to be against them resembling their awful, abysmal conditions as in British era + in the offing a JalianWals Bagh like incident this time by the authorities in the Central Government, observe many without any ado of any kind.

    The Badals, they own Badal village, huge Real Estate properties in many parts of the country, USA, UK etc, remain tense as for the first time, they are not seeing being trapped by thout e Centre as never before ever. In all trickiest situations they always wriggled out comfortably with no scath on them of any kind, say observers. This has been so since 1970s when Senior Badal, Parkash Singh Badal held reigns of Akali Dal. ...Its not so now at all. His son + former Union Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal, Harsimrat Kaur Badal etc in the party simply are wonderstruck wondering how to be in the NDA and make Modi undo the 3 anti-Punjab Farmers Bills or now, Act/s.

    Incidentally, Senior Badal's Hard Core Hindu Supporters are also unable to provide any relief to him as they can not interfere in Modi's functioning he being the Prime Minister thus The Boss. His decisions only He can change and none else. Badals obviously are sheer helpless resigning to their fate resembling Thats How Cookie Crumbles, Tumbles...Humpty Dumpty (read, Badal in place of Humpty Dumpty) sat on the (NDA) Wall, Humpty Dumpty Has The Great Fall, Entire Punjab's Farmers Are Not Resurrecting them, Come What May....Why did they cotninue in the NDA even after the 3 Draconian Bills were passed through ordinance and made operational due to which they raised a lot of ear-drum shattering, sky renting shouts against the Bills. They then remained tight lipped as if all was well and smooth like ever before. —The Hawk Features

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