Tag : Significant

    'Significant rural-urban divide in fertility rate in India'

    Pankaj Sharma
    September24/ 2022

    New Delhi: A significant rural-urban divide in the fertility rate could be seen in the country in a latest data that says the fertility rate varies from 53.7 in urban areas to 73.7 in rural areas while at the national level, 67 children were born to every thousand women aged 15-49 years. As per the data of the Sample Registration System (SRS) Statistical Report 2020, general fertility rate (GFR) varies from 45.3 in Kerala to 93.9 in Bihar among the bigger states/UTs. The data reveals that fertility in all the age groups is higher in rural areas than in urban areas. The fertility reaches the peak in the age group 25-29 and declines thereafter, irrespective of the place of residence. Estimates of General Fertility Rate (GFR), a refined measure of fertility, has been defined as the number of live births per thousand women in the reproductive age group 15-49 years, is a useful tool for measuring fertility At the all India level, a decline of 20.2 percent in GFR has been registered during the decade and it varies from 20.2 percent in rural to 15.6 percent in urban areas. Among the bigger States/UTs, the percentage decline in GFR varies from 29.2 in Jammu & Kashmir to 12.3 in Kerala. At the national level, there is a shift in trend of fertility with an increase in fertility in the later ages 30-44, while a decrease in fertility in the lower age-groups 15-29. Except for Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal where fertility reached its peak in the age group 20-24 and Jammu & Kashmir where fertility reached its peak in the age group 30-34, the highest fertility in all the other bigger States/UTs has been attained in the age group 25-29. Fertility, however, declined from age 30 in all the bigger states/UTs, except Jammu & Kashmir where it declin ...

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