Tag : Headquarters

    Rocket-propelled grenade hits Punjab police intelligence headquarters

    May10/ 2022

    Punjab: A rocket-propelled grenade hit the Punjab police's intelligence wing headquarters in Mohali near Chandigarh on Monday night, shattering windowpanes on one of the floors of the building, the police said. No one was injured in the explosion, which political parties termed 'disturbing' and 'shocking'. The explosion took place at around 7.45 pm at the office located in sector 77 in Mohali. The windowpanes on one of the floors of the building were shattered because of the explosion. 'A minor explosion was reported at the Punjab police intelligence headquarters in sector 77, SAS Nagar at around 7.45 pm. No damage has been reported. Senior officers are on the spot and an investigation is being done. Forensic teams have been called,' the Mohali police said in a statement. The police cordoned off the area and an alert has been sounded. A police official told reporters that there was no casualty in the incident. "A minor blast took place at the intelligence building. The investigation is going on and our senior officials are on the spot," the police official said. "The blast took place with a rocket-type fire. There is no casualty," the official stated. Asked if it was a terror attack, the official said the investigation was going on. [ ...

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