
    John Kerry to return to US today, will attend anti-ISIS conference in Paris remotely

    April20/ 2022
    Last Updated:

    Washington: Having broken his right femur in bicycle crash, US Secretary of State John Kerry, who was forced to cut short his four-nation tour, will on Monday return to Boston to seek treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital. John Kerry who loves to cycle, carries his bike on almost all trips and was riding the same on Saturday when he hit a curb near Scionzier, France, about 40 kilometers southeast of the Swiss border. Kerry's femur bone fracture will keep him from attending in person a crucial conference in Paris on combating the Islamic State. However, he will attend the conference remotely, said the State Department. �The Secretary very much regrets not being able to visit Spain to meet with one of our close allies for discussions on a range of issues, as well as being unable to attend the counter-ISIL coalition ministerial meeting on Tuesday in Paris in person. The Secretary plans to participate in the counter-ISIL coalition meeting remotely,� the State Department said. Instead of John Kerry, Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken will be present at the anti-ISIS conference. Also, Obama's envoy for anti-ISIS coalition John Allen will attend the conference. Kerry is stable and never lost consciousness, his injury is not life-threatening, and he is expected to make a full recovery, said the US State Department in a statement. �Secretary Kerry broke his right femur in a bicycling accident this morning in Scionzier, France. Given the injury is near the site of his prior hip surgery, he will return to Boston today to seek treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital with his doctor who did the prior surgery,� the USD statement added.

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