Tag : Skinmalism

    Say yes to skin kindness with 'skinmalism'

    Sunil Aswal
    May12/ 2022

    New Delhi: The beauty market is currently flooded with all kinds of serums, essences and lotions that can confuse the best of us. Apart from cluttering your dresser, these extensive skincare routines also burn a hole in your pocket and have a negative impact on the environment. 2022 calls for a change -- say hello to the new and sustainable beauty movement -- 'skinmalism'. It's time to move on to multitasking heroes that will save you time, money and even space while taking care of all your skincare needs. Cutis Skin Studio Celebrity Dermatologist and Director Apratim Goel shares a guide to skinmalism: Read the labels: Don't blindly follow Instagram trends and get influenced by advertisements. Before buying a product, read the labels to know if this is what your skin actually needs. Don't jump onto the 'acid-retinol' bandwagon, just because it is trending. Ask your dermatologist before putting chemicals on your face. AHAs and BHAs are not for everyone. Less is more: You don't need 10 different cleansers or an array of moisturisers. See what works for your skin type and stick to it. If you have dry skin, opt for soap-free cleansers, for oily skin, gel cleansers are your best bet. Using too many products can sometimes compromise your skin's barrier, which can lead to sensitivity and dryness. If your skin is already dry and irritable, use a mild moisturiser which is rich in vitamin E that will calm and protect your skin. Face yoga and massage: Instead of wasting time on 10-step-routines, for a quick pick-me-up, apply your favourite face oil and massage in gentle circular and upward motion. You can also use tools such as a jade roller or guasha. Face massage improves the overall appearance of the skin and reduces puffiness and acne by f ...

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