Tag : Prone

    parliamentary Panel Raps States For Lack Of Law To End Floods

    Akbar Ali
    July23/ 2022

    New Delhi: A standing parliamentary committee has rapped flood-prone states like Assam, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar for not taking any initiative to enact the model bill for flood plain zoning despite witnessing huge losses of human lives, cattle and properties during deluge. The standing committee on water resources, tabled in the Lok Sabha, said only Manipur, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand and erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir had enacted legislation, though delineation and demarcation of flood plains are yet to be undertaken. Flood-plain zoning measures aim at demarcating zones or areas likely to be affected by floods of different magnitude or frequencies and probability levels, and specify the types of permissible developments in these zones, so that whenever floods actually occur, the damage can be minimised. The model bill for flood plain zoning provides for flood plain zoning authority to be constituted by state governments with a governing body under the chairmanship of the chief minister which will delineate flood plain zones and other measures for keeping flood plains encroachment free. The committee noted that despite its benefits, floodplain zoning has not been earmarked/ demarcated in India and a model draft bill for flood plain zoning legislation was also circulated by the Union government to all the states. "However, only the states of Manipur, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand and erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir had enacted legislation, though delineation and demarcation of flood plains is yet to be undertaken. "Further, Major flood prone States viz Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Odisha etc have not taken initiative to enact any legislation with regard to flood plain zoning," the panel said. The committee said ...

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