Tag : Dhangars

    Dhangars up ante for quotas, throw turmeric powder on Maharashtra Minister

    Maharashtra Minister
    Sunil Aswal
    September8/ 2023

    Solapur (Mahrashtra): As the Maharashtra government grapples with the Maratha reservations issue, the Dhangars on Friday adopted an aggressive stance for quotas and threw turmeric on a Minister to press for their demands. Senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader and Revenue Minister Radhakrishna Vikhe-Patil was the target of the turmeric attack by two persons at the government guest house, catching his aides and security unawares. Vikhe-Patil was reading a memorandum the duo had handed to him when one of them whipped out a packet of turmeric powder and emptied it on the minister’s head and face, even as some others clicked videos which went viral. As the aides and security caught the person, thrashed him and then handed him over to the local police, he was heard raising slogans demanding reservations for the Dhangar community. He was identified as a Dhangar Aarakshan Kruti Samiti member Shekhar Bangale, who warned that next time they would not hesitate to "blacken the face" of ministers or even the CM if the Dhangar reservations issue is not sorted out. Later, Vikhe-Patil sought to downplay the incident claiming that "turmeric powder is holy…and it’s a matter of joy", while assuring that the government is adopting a sensitive stand on Dhangar quotas issue. The Dhangars get quotas under the Vimukta Jati & Nomadic Tribes category, around 3.5 per cent, but they are on a warpath for quotas in the Scheduled Tribes group akin to the ‘Dhangad’ in other parts of India who are getting reservations under the SC category. They claim that a typo-error in Dhangad which made them ‘Dhangar’ has created the complications and they are being clubbed with the VJNT category in Maharashtra. The Samiti leaders have said that the Dhangars had reservations ...

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