Tag : Chimpanzees

    Study: Chimpanzees Blend Their Sounds To Create Variety Of Vocal Patterns

    Inam Ansari
    May31/ 2022

    Leipzig (Germany): A new study has discovered that ordered vocal sequences in wild chimp communication can shed light on the evolution of human language. The study is published in the journal, 'Communications Biology, 2022' Compared to the complex use of human language, the way animals communicate with each other appears quite simple. How our language evolved from such a simple system, remains unclear. Researchers from the Max Planck Institutes for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA) and for Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI-CBS) in Leipzig, Germany, and the CNRS Institute for Cognitive Sciences in Bron, Lyon, France, recorded thousands of vocalisations from wild chimpanzees in Tai, Ivory Coast. They found that the animals produced hundreds of different vocal sequences containing up to ten different call types. The order of calls in these sequences followed some rules, and calls were associated with each other in a structured manner. The researchers will now investigate if this structure may constitute a step toward human syntax and if chimpanzees use these sequences to communicate a wider range of meanings in their complex social environment. Humans are the only species on earth known to use language. We do this by combining sounds to form words and words to form hierarchically structured sentences. The question, of where this extraordinary capacity originates from, still remains to be answered. In order to retrace the evolutionary origins of human language, researchers often use a comparative approach -- they compare the vocal production of other animals, in particular primates, to those of humans. In contrast to humans, non-human primates often use single calls -referred to as call types -- and rarely combine them with each othe ...

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