Tag : deployment

    IIT Madras’ Robot to clean Septic Tanks without human intervention set for Field Deployment

    June9/ 2022

    Chennai (The Hawk): Indian Institute of Technology Madras [https://www.iitm.ac.in/]’ ‘HomoSEP,’ a Robot developed by the Institute’s Researchers to eliminate manual scavenging in India, is all set for field deployment. A total of ten units are planned to be deployed across Tamil Nadu with the Researchers already in touch with Sanitation Workers to identify locations. Locations in Gujarat and Maharashtra are also being considered. This robot has been developed over the last several years by a team led by Prof. Prabhu Rajagopal, Center for Nondestructive Evaluation [https://www.cnde.in/], IIT Madras, and Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras together with IIT Madras-incubated start-up Solinas Integrity Private Limited. The team has been in close touch with Sanitation Workers, and supported by the NGO, Safai Karamchari Andolan (SKA) dedicated to elimination of manual scavenging in India. At present, first two HomoSEP units have been distributed to self-help groups led by Ms. Nagamma and Ms. Ruth Mary whose husbands died tragically during sanitation work, through the support of the NGO, SKA.  [ ...

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