Editorial & Analyses

    Manipur Phew

    Sunil Aswal
    May13/ 2023
    Last Updated:


    Soumitra Bose

    New Delhi (The Hawk): Manipur Phew...Or, Manipur Meeeow...Or, Manipur "Gone With The Wind So, Let It Be..." Or, Manipur Quo Vadis? Or even, Manipur No Hasta La Vista, No Hasta Pronto, No Hasta Manana But, Hasta Pronto. Or, Hasta Luego. Whence this be the "reality vis-a-vis Manipur generally in New Delhi", it is only fathomable that Manipur upheavel is overbearing giving a deep touch of a intra-Manipuri internecine war of attrition for superiority amid they themselves even though they all are by and large, STs. Centre is fully apprised of this contradictory sociology in Manipur. Could be a reason why the state was allowed to be topsy-turvy with vicious turbulence that is still forcing the non-Manipuris to flee from there to save their lives...So no film on Manipur. Viva Manipur(is), La Mancha Loggerhead...