The West Bengal government on Thursday suspended two women teachers in, district on the charge of teaching pre-primary students from an English alphabet book consisting of a portion derogatory to the people with dark complexion.
While presenting the alphabets with corresponding words and images, the book says U is for "Ugly". The illustration printed beside the letter is that of a boy with dark complexion.
"The book is not part of the text books referred by the education department. It was introduced by the school itself. We have zero-tolerance for acts which instill prejudices into the minds of students," Education Minister Partha Chatterjee told reporters here.
He said the two teachers of a local municipality-run school have been placed under suspension with immediate effect on the basis of a preliminary investigation and stricter action would be taken against them later.
Though the school is now closed because of the lockdown, the matter came to light when the father of a student of the school was teaching him with the help of that book. He informed other parents and the education department was apprised of the issue, sources said.